Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fringe is Fabulous

So I made a quick post on here awhile ago, I think when Fringe first premiered on Fox, but holy shit people, I'm serious - if you're not watching this show, then you need to sit the fuck down and watch every episode that's come out so far. It's a more modern, more scientific X-Files, and it's one of the most addicting shows I've seen in forever. This, combined with the awesomeness that is House, makes Tuesday night's thatmuchmore bearable - hurray for tv!

I wasn't sure initially that I'd be happy with a supernatural show with a scientific twist, and thought I'd be longing for ghosts and demons and other things that go bump in the night, but what makes Fringe such a standout is the scientific aspect of the show, because the episodes are based on things that could, potentially, actually happen. It's still creepy as shit, and totally off the proverbial wall, at times, but there's much more of a "shit, this could happen" base that it makes a show without ghosts and ghouls that much creepier and scarier. So, get your ass in gear and start watching, so I can start doing recaps.

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