S0 I'm officially the worst updater in the world. It's not like I mean to abandon the blog, and, truthfully, I keep half-updating and then saving the posts (and then usually forgetting I did that in the first place) but then they just sit there and other crap happens and then oops. Uh, there was an apology in there somewhere!
Anyway, things are going full steam ahead at the moment, and I can finally (finally!) say with certainty that this Friday I begin shooting my very first movie! It's a low-budget alien invasion movie (of course) and I play a band groupie with too much love for an all-female band (and, from what I can see, too many brain-rotting drugs. How fitting!) I'm ridiculously excited just to be on set, let alone actually have the chance to act on camera and be a part of an actual production.
Anyway, things are going full steam ahead at the moment, and I can finally (finally!) say with certainty that this Friday I begin shooting my very first movie! It's a low-budget alien invasion movie (of course) and I play a band groupie with too much love for an all-female band (and, from what I can see, too many brain-rotting drugs. How fitting!) I'm ridiculously excited just to be on set, let alone actually have the chance to act on camera and be a part of an actual production.
There's something to be said about the East Coast, Type A personality out here; I don't have a manager or agent (yet, fingers crossed) but I've been able to get a steady number of auditions based on sheer "pain-in-the-assness" alone. There are SO many auditions out there, if you hunt enough, and so far, so good. I had another huge audition last week, this time for a tv show, but I can't say anything else for the moment - just pray for me, my little good luck charms.
I still need to update my headshots, but I'm waiting until I sock away more money, because it'll be at least a $500 investment given that I not only need pictures taken (and good ones at that), but I need to print them out, and to have my makeup done, and to have everything else that comes along with an undertaking such as that, so hopefully in the near future that'll be possible. I do have headshots, but they're from my modeling days, so they're not quite what I need out here. After all, auditioning for a 16 year-old character doesn't work so well when my headshot implies that I'm naked and thinking "come to me, baby." Ouch.
Work aside, life out here has been amazing. I've taken to hiking Runyon Canyon, which is probably the most bizarre thing in the world just because it's a freaking canyon right smack dab in the middle of Hollywood. Seriously, if you walk past Hollywood Boulevard and go up like two more blocks, and voila! Massive mountains, canyons, hiking trails, etc. It's amazing. You can see all of the city from up on the trails, everything from Downtown to Hollywood to Culver City. Being an East Coast City Girl, I'm not used to the idea of a massive, sprawling city that just goes on and on and on. Sure, Manhattan is huge and has lots of different neighborhoods, but it's all neat and tidy on this little compact island, whereas Los Angeles look like someone blew up New York and all the pieces went flying out everywhere. It's pretty incredible to look at.

So my life lately has consisted of going on auditions, hiking, drinking and smoking too much, going on adventures, finally going to the beach!!!! and just enjoying life, really. I've never been happier than I am right now, and I want to hold onto that feeling for as long as I possibly can. Fuck the real world, fuck salaries, fuck attempting to cram my life into a tidy little ball; this is where I want to be. Man, am I deep.
Oh, and before I go, I FINALLY saw a paparazzi swarm! And nearly got trampled to death in the process. This is just the very beginning of a Britney paparazzi swarm, outside of H Shoes in the Sunset Plaza. I work just a few buildings down, so I was minding my own business and heading down to work, when a stampede of paparazzi came out of everywhere, seriously they were running out of alleys, barreling down Sunset, squeezing themselves out of cars packed with tons of other paps - it was fucking insane.
Oh, and before I go, I FINALLY saw a paparazzi swarm! And nearly got trampled to death in the process. This is just the very beginning of a Britney paparazzi swarm, outside of H Shoes in the Sunset Plaza. I work just a few buildings down, so I was minding my own business and heading down to work, when a stampede of paparazzi came out of everywhere, seriously they were running out of alleys, barreling down Sunset, squeezing themselves out of cars packed with tons of other paps - it was fucking insane.

Kinda made me feel bad for Britney, even though I wanted to elbow my way through the crowd and plaster myself against the window, just to watch her in action. God, I love celebrity shit.
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