So I've finally forced myself to sit down and write out a legit post (because as much as I love my Celebrity Sightings! there has actually been excitement in my own life as of late) and now I'm posting live from my very own balcony. Jim and I officially moved into the new apartment on July 2nd, and while we've yet to take pictures of the inside, I did post some pictures on my Houston, We Have Liftoff post.
While there was nothing quite as comparable as finally having my first, very own apartment in DC (because as overwhelming as the prospects of paying rent and bills and living on my own were, let's face it, the idea of having your very own apartment and being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, is mind blowing), this apartment has it's own unbeatable feel to it. By this point, I knew what I wanted out of an apartment, and having Jim and I living together meant that we had the funds and ability to get more than a tiny little box apartment on the edge of the downtown/commercial zone.
And the excitement I felt when the landlord finally finished all his paperwork and left us alone in the apartment is hard for me to even explain. Moving cross country and starting everything over again certainly had the very real potential to be disastrous, but Jim and I have taken to it like fish to water. Or like overweight, under-loved daddy-issue-riddled women to the Seventh Veil strip cabaret down the block. This is Hollywood, after all.
While there was nothing quite as comparable as finally having my first, very own apartment in DC (because as overwhelming as the prospects of paying rent and bills and living on my own were, let's face it, the idea of having your very own apartment and being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, is mind blowing), this apartment has it's own unbeatable feel to it. By this point, I knew what I wanted out of an apartment, and having Jim and I living together meant that we had the funds and ability to get more than a tiny little box apartment on the edge of the downtown/commercial zone.
And the excitement I felt when the landlord finally finished all his paperwork and left us alone in the apartment is hard for me to even explain. Moving cross country and starting everything over again certainly had the very real potential to be disastrous, but Jim and I have taken to it like fish to water. Or like overweight, under-loved daddy-issue-riddled women to the Seventh Veil strip cabaret down the block. This is Hollywood, after all.

Actually, it's only sort of Hollywood; our apartment is off of the massive La Brea/Sunset intersection, and we're fabulously (seriously) sandwiched between Hollywood and Sunset Boulevards, in our own little Hollywood/West Hollywood world. Because of the area's youthful feel and strategic placement between the two neighborhoods, it really is one of the coolest areas around. And it certainly doesn't hurt that we're right near Grauman's Chinese Theater and the Kodak Theater (hello, Oscars!) ...

... and yet also within walking distance of the Sunset Strip and Sunset Plaza (hello, where I work!) and the West Hollywood nightlife.

Also, we're right behind the Jimmy Kimmel Live studios, so when the bands play (and they play outside on the lot/stage behind the studio) we totally get free concerts. Beat that.

But as much as I love being spoiled and rubbing it in other people's faces, this post really isn't about that. At this point in my life, my closest friends are all really getting their shit together; they're literally spread all over the world, figuring out their lives, going to law school and grad school, starting businesses, cementing relationships, and everything else that goes hand-in-hand with growing up. And for me, LA is growing up.
Yes, okay, so I hostess for an income, and I spend my days going on auditions, but I've never felt better. DC was eye opening in the fact that it made me become an adult - for the first time in my life I paid rent, I paid bills and loans, I lived on my own, I handled my own income, I worked a 9-6 job - but it also showed me exactly what I didn't want out of life: I didn't want to work at a desk job where i was under appreciated and thought that because I happened to have boobs and a vagina (albeit very tiny boobs) I was an idiot; I didn't want to work in a town focused solely on politics; and I didn't want to do the same thing day in and day out, because after a few months, I was convinced I was wasting some of the best years of my life.
So here I am. And I have to admit, as silly as I sometimes feel going on auditions, they're rapidly becoming like crack; seriously, once you have a taste, you can't stop doing it. I still keep up with modeling, and recently I've gone to a few open calls and auditions for projects (a Hollister shoot, a catalog shoot, and an ad campaign, etc etc) and even auditioned to be a Deal or No Deal! model. Long story short about Deal! is that we stood in line for 3.5 hours, for a 25 second interview. At least I made some friends and got a tan, seeing as how we were in a 500+ person line stretched down Hollywood Blvd. Awesome!
But what I've been really enjoying are the acting auditions. I've done some reality show auditions, including Scream Queens (omg VH1 I love you!) and a currently-untitled CBS improv-reality-sketch show, as well as some indie movie auditions (my favorite so far was for a vampire queen who needs to come to LA to get her star-struck brother back so they could go ahead and take over the underworld... I promise, this was a comedy) and 2 feature film auditions.
Yes, my acting experience is limited, but there's something retardedly thrilling about getting a monologue 2 minutes before your audition, and then going up in front of a group of people and going all out for it. Even if I never get a call back, at least I did it - it's one hell of an adrenaline rush.
And besides, it ties in with Jim and Chelsea's 2 Goals in Life:
1) Befriend a celebrity - any celebrity
2) Have our own IMDB pages, and legit ones that are actually sanctioned by the site, not something we hack in and then have deleted twenty seconds later
So now all I need is for someone to let me have a tiny bit part in one movie, and then to get my foot in the door and have another one, and so on and so forth, and, some day, end up jumping up and down on Oprah's couch, screaming my love for some questionably-talented Hollywood starlet. This is West/Hollywood, after all - the place where dreams come true.
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